Canterbury Pilgrimage

A Canterbury pilgrimage - but what do you do when you get there?

The 2024 4th World Congress of Psychogeography will be held in Canterbury from 6 t0 8 September. One of the events will be a walk directed by geolocated sounds. Please note that you must be in Canterbury for this to work - just as you must actually go on a pilgrimage to reap the benefits.

A pilgrimage is normally a directed walk. You may start from anywhere, but we all aim to get to the same place, and hope to accrue some sort of benefit from doing so. For whatever reason, you have now come to Canterbury, one of the greatest places of pilgrimage in the UK.

What if there were many things to see here, and the important thing is not what you see, but how you analyse its significance? What if your 'inner voices' suggest new ways of seeing and interpreting signs?

Various thinkers, from Mediaeval Christians via Zen Buddhists to modern Structuralist philosophers, have been fascinated by the relations between the signs we see and the significance we ascribe to them. What you will hear is a semiotic challenge, to interpret what you see in different ways.

Instructions to practitioners:

Canterbury Cathedral Quarter
You can hear our geolocated sounds within this area.