ChatGPT sings Huddersfield

A few of us are holding a small informal psychogeographic event in Huddersfield on 29/30 July 2023.

Using the artificial intelligence of ChatGPT, we will play Monopoly in the streets of Huddersfield and later hold a derive in streets that don't exist (though ChatGPT thinks they do). Also, we will hold the spectacular launch of our new EP record, 'ChatGPT Sings Huddersfield'.

Anyone who is interested is invited to come and join us in Huddersfield on 29 or 30 July 2023. Our provisional plan is:

Let us know on if you are interested, and we can notify you of any changes to timing or locations.

True to the spirit of AI, we asked ChatGPT to write a summary of the event for us. You can download this here.

Please note: this flyer has been written by ChatGPT. We take no responsibility for any claims it may make.

Also, ChatGPT has kindly written us a short essay on the concept of the Uncanny Valley: that narrow gap between real and not quite realistic, where most of our activity will be centred. You can download this essay here.

Lastly, we are sad to announce that owing to Brexit it will not be possible this year to award the Dick van Dyke Trophy. We hope to award it next year. (This prestigious trophy is awarded for the most ingenuous attempt, by a citizen of any member country of the European Union, to pronounce the village name 'Slaithwaite'.)