The Huddersfield Yards

This work was produced for the "Wish you were Huddersfield" event on 5-7 August. Huddersfield is famous for its many yards, semi enclosed streets or cul de sacs, which are much less common in other similar cities. There were once mote than 60 yards: now only about 30 remain, and most of them have been altered. We invited players to go for a walk through the yards, looking for the mythical beasts we have placed there for you.

They needed to download a bar code reader to their smartphone, and look out for QR codes in the yards. Also, to download the Echoes Explorer mobile app from Google Play or the App store. Make sure location is enabled on your phone, and use headphones if you wish.

More detailed instructions here.

A more academic analysis of the project, using Deleuze's concept of striation as a starting point, can be found here.

Some of the artists and art works which have inspired me are here.

If you want to be involved, email! You don't need to register, but we can tell you the exact time the event will rung, and help you with any problems.

You can download a map and instructions from here

Before the event starts, please download a bar code reader to your smartphone, and look out for QR codes in the yards. Also, please download the Echoes Explorer mobile app from Google Play or the App store. Make sure location is enabled on your phone, and use headphones if you wish.